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Welcome to the Handfull Diet

Always consult a doctor before starting any diet program.

This is not some hyped up, glorious Diet program.

This not a rapid weight loss program.

You will loose weight slowly and in a controlled manner.

You will see results in approximately 3 - 6 months.

Best of all it is free

This your first and last diet choice of your life.




                          This my story: 

   Hi my name is Steve and since I was in my twenties, I was overweight and was told by others that I was. I am 5' 7" and was anywhere from 180lbs to 220lbs. So I dieted here and dieted there but never could loose the weight and keep it off on any of those fancy diet systems out there. 23yrs in the military couldn't do it, calorie counting, carb diets and diet pills. They were just to much extra things to do besides regular eating and not to say they cost way to much money in addition to the food I had to buy.

   Now that I am old and wiser, I decided to figure out for myself what I needed to do. So I said to my self why not just go to the store and buy all the natural stuff ( not the Organic overpriced stuff )that was as cheap as I could get, that I liked and try new foods in the process. So I did. Then I figured out that if I eat in one certain way and eating all of these different foods, I could become a millionaire. Well it was a good thought. So after months of trying different ways of eating. I figured it out. If I eat by using my hands like back in the caveman days. Then I thought to myself,  people would think I was crazy. That is when the light bulb didn't light up like most idea's, it hit the floor, because it worked and I was in shock, I dropped the light bulb. What I did was, all those pieces of the light bulb fit in my hand. So then I decided to use my hand as a scale sort of speak.                   The Handfull diet! The best thing of all was, I have not worked out one single second of my diet. Not even a one pound weight. It took me 4 months to lose 10 pounds and after a year, I went from 220 to 165. I am 5' 7" at 158 and stable, give or take a few pounds, After 5 yrs. 


      How does it work you say?


Well lets get started.


It is real simple. I have created a couple of web pages of meals sizes and foods to eat.

When you eat something you like, your body is telling you that it needs what you are eating for the nutrients in it. Do not go by smell alone. It may not smell good but it may taste good and that is your body telling you that it needs it in order to control certain functions within your body. Start trying different foods, even the ones that you never liked before. You body changes as you get older and some of the nutrients in foods that you didn't like before maybe vital to your system as you get older. These different foods help the body break down all of the foods you eat and help your Metabolism build itself back up to process foods and get rid of them the right way. 

Because your body isn't producing what it needs to survive. We need to be very open minded on trying different foods for their taste,  not looks or what you didn't like in the past through out your life! While on this type of diet, only take prescribed vitamins and only do very light exercising. Walking is great all the time but to and from the mail box doesn't count. You will only be exercising ( running, weightlifting, etc...) after you have lost at least 90% of your body fat. If you work out heavily you will only decrease the chance of loosing weight. When you work out heavily your body needs a different type of food to sustain the rigorous muscle building, high protein etc..... What we are trying to accomplish here is to get you to that point of life where you can body build, if that is what you wish.

                  Junk Foods

         All junk foods and fast foods are made to taste great, so don't let them fool you.  




Always consult a doctor before putting you child on a diet.

Your children are a different story here if they are within height weight proportion, they should eat and drink small amounts of something  good. If  you are told by a doctor that your child is overweight, this type of diet is a great idea for your children. 

The reason they don't like to eat a lot of good thing for them is because when you are young, your body is producing most of the nutrients that it needs. So have a lot of patience, when it comes to what your children eat. 

They need to try all different types of foods so they have a variety to choose from and don't have to have junk food to tide them over to the next meal. Their stomach will growl but give the excuse that their body is preparing the stomach for food and they don't have to eat the second their stomach growls. 

If they have tried broccoli and they don't like it, it is because their bodies are producing that type of nutrient. That is why they will eat more junk food, than what is good for them. Junk food tastes good to 95% of America. Always remember to keep all junk food out of your house, for you and your kids sake. So take all of the junk food you have and give it away!!!. You will have no need for it in your life for at least a year, until your body is stable enough to eat a small amounts of it at a time. 

I am at a point in my life where now I can eat small amounts of the bad stuff for me and still be fit. I have now been fit for five years.

                Handfull Diet Size


You will need to pick out these foods for six meals in a day: Remember that when you make your meals they have to fit into the size of your hand. When you make something, put out your hand, now make sure it can cover your item. Now make sure it's not more than,  if you put your hands together like in a prayer ( or just eye it ), and lay it down flat next to your item, it is as high  as both hands together for one item. Do not pile on the meat in a sandwich, and squish it down to fit your Handfull size. Don't cut your food in the shape of a hand, Just kidding but do whatever it takes to make loosing weight fun and not work. 

Always use recommended size portions that are on the label of the item you are eating. If you use the size proportion you will see that it will fit in the size of your hand, it is that easy. For items that do not have a recommended serving size. Always use the Handfull Diet scale. 

One rule to remember: Your stomach will growl at you in-between meals. This is just a alarm in your system, that tells you that your stomach is preparing itself for any incoming food. Just like you prepare for work in the morning. It is getting things in order, to handle the intake of food. 

I was working in the back yard just before lunch, when I was overweight. My best friends dad was working in his back yard. We were engaged in a conversation just before lunch, so I told him. Well I think I'm going to go grab lunch. His comment to me was and I quote " your not going to die if you don't eat one meal" That is when I tried the starvation diet. It didn't work. Yes the comment was rude, but has been put to good use and the statement is true. I always use other people's negative comment and make them positive. I use that concept in this diet. Instead of just not eating. I would let my stomach growl until my next meal comes around. So I'm not starving myself, I'm just holding out until the next meal comes around and since your eating six times a day, it will not be that long before you will eat again, so if your stomach growls DO NOT EAT!!!!!!!!!! and it will growl angrily at you.

      Handfull Diet Meal Concept  


Breakfast: Nothing to eat! Your body is not able to process any thing of substance this early in the morning due to your low metabolism rate for at least 6months. You will be always drinking something for breakfast. So pick out all of the thing that you like to drink in the morning. No diet drinks! Nothing more than 24oz's including your favorite espresso coffee. A once a week bagel or pastry is all I do eat now, if that. I only started to eat this items after I had been on this diet for a year! 

Mid morning snack: One Handfull Diet item. Around 10 am to be exact. You will need to pick out a fruit or vegetable. This is where the Handfull Diet comes into play. Nothing more that the size of one hand for vegetables. and nothing more than can fit in your hand ( one whole fruit, apple, orange, pear etc.)

Lunch: Two Handfull items and a drink. One meat item and one fruit or vegetable item. Drink item should not be more than 12 oz's. Remember that has to fit into the size of your hand on Handfull items.  Put out your hand, now make sure it can cover your item. Now make sure it's not more than,  if you put your hands together like in a prayer, and lay it down next to your item it is as big or slightly higher than both hands together for one item ( or just eye it). Do not pile on the meat in a sandwich. Always use recommended size portions or less,  that is on the label of the item you are eating.


Mid afternoon snack: See mid morning snack!


Dinner: See lunch.


Evening Snack: Before 7pm and absolutely nothing after!!!!!!!!!!!!!! See mid morning snack.


That's it and the best of luck in your new life. I'm having a great, leaner life thanks to my Handfull Diet.

Now go find the foods you like and try something new.

Here is the link to the food items that are good for you.         


Meal ideas